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  • Andria Gray


Updated: Feb 11, 2019

Personally, I have many different interests, one of them being beauty related content. Makeup fantasizes me, I feel like it is so powerful and enjoy creating new art on myself to transform myself into a different person. When I first started getting into makeup I stumbled across a popular youtuber who goes by the name Nikki Tutorials. She started her YouTube channel back in 2008, at the age of 14 recreating makeup looks that her favorite celebrities did. Although she did not have much of a following at that time she continued to work and upload videos constantly. Fast-forward a few years she ended up going to school, and became a professional makeup artist. Throughout her journey she still found time to upload videos of herself, and inspiring young women to embrace their beauty. In 2015, she gained a huge following after posting her Power of Makeup video where she explains how people should not be ashamed to wear makeup because it is an artform and it is truly beautiful. I feel like this is so important for everyone to understand. Often times people outside of the makeup community will bash people for wearing makeup because they assume the person is insecure and that is not always the case. Her content is influential to many young adults all over the world and has helped me to understand self-love a bit more and embrace who I am and I hope to portray the same message to the viewers of my blog.

When it comes to social media star portrayed themselves to the world, they often come off as “too perfect”, which in a way is understandable because who would want to embarrass themselves purposely for millions of people to see. Although personally for me it is almost comforting to feel like there are other people who understand the things that I am going through. Raven Elyse is a popular blogger/youtuber. She displays her life as being in “shambles” a majority of the time and puts out real content that displays the hectic life of her and her daughter Ziya. The way that Raven portrays herself is influential to me because it seems so real and she is not faking a perfect lifestyle. Within my blog I would like to show a that “real” side of me so other people can relate. Simply enjoyable, relatable content. I would describe myself has having a very sarcastic sense of humor and I surround myself with people who have the same style of humor. Former vine star Tina Woods has a very similar sense of humor. She now uploads YouTube videos and almost mocks a lot of other popular youtubers light heartedly. I would like to have humor like this in my blog to have people feel a little more comfortable.

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